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Document Accessibility

Conformance Standards

1.1 Meaningful heading structure

Bronze Level

Heading structures with a distinct, visual style help individuals with visual impairments understand how a document is organized. Appropriate headings also act as secondary navigation tools that help readers skim and scan the document.

Headings should fit an outline. Making text larger or bolder does not make it a heading in Word.

To Add headings to a document:

Use the built-in heading styles to apply uniform heading structure to Word documents.

Word Styles contain preconfigured headings understood by assistive technology (e.g., Heading 1- Heading 6). These headings are available under the Styles section in the Home tab of the Ribbon.

Apply the “Heading 1” style for the main heading and “Heading 2” for sub-headings. Additional organization and division of topics should use the appropriate head style: “Heading 3,” “Heading 4,” etc. without going past “Heading 6.”
screenshot of style window in word

Use the Home tab’s Styles menu to add heading styles.

Verify headings

Every heading in a document can be verified using the Navigation Pane, located in the Show group on the View tab of the Ribbon.

This pane also allows users to navigate to any section of the document by clicking on the corresponding heading.
screenshot of the Navigation Pane checkbox

Use the View tab to add navigation panes.

1.2 No use of color or shape to identify meaning

Bronze Level Do not use color or shapes to identify meaning, as someone with color blindness or someone with low vision might not be able to distinguish between the two options. For example, rather than using a green dot to signify something is Open, you can write Open

1.3 Meaningful/Descriptive Links

Bronze Level

Hyperlink text must be clear and meaningful, with enough contextual information that a user would understand the link’s destination.

You shouldn’t use “click here,” “read more,” and “learn more” as the only words linked.

Similarly, don’t use the same link language for two different destinations. For example, if “Contact Us” is listed as a link twice on the same page, it should take users to the same place.

1.4 Accessible Tables

Bronze Level

Microsoft products can only produce simple tables, meaning tables with 1 heading row and 1 heading column at max. There are several steps to creating an accessible table:

  1. Should this be a table?
    If your table should actually be a list, it is better to make that a bulleted list rather than using a table format. Additionally, if you are using a table for styling purposes, like creating 2 columns of text, it’s better to use the Microsoft ‘Column’ option to create those columns.
  2. Do I need to simplify the table?
    If you have a complex table, with nested content, and multiple heading rows or columns, you will need to break those tables into smaller ones to allow the screen reader to read it correctly.
  3. Designate a heading row
    The “Table Style Options” section of the ribbon on the Table Tools contextual tab lets you indicate that your data has a header row
    screenshot of the header row checkbox
  4. Repeat Column headings
    Column headings should be repeated at the top of a table if the table spans multiple pages.
    To repeat the column headings:
    • Right-click the table, and then select Table Properties.
    • In the “Table Properties” dialog box, select the Row tab.
    • In the “Options” group, make sure the “Repeat as header” row at the top of each page is checked.
    • Uncheck the box next to Allow row to break across pages.
    • Select OK to accept the changes.
  5. Add alternative text to the table
    To add alternative text for tables, use the Alt Text tab of the “Table Properties” dialog box. You can do this by right-clicking on the table and selecting Table properties, then selecting the Alt-Text tab.
    Table properties screen shot

1.5 Use of PPT templates layouts only (PPT)

Bronze Level
Powerpoint comes with several built-in layouts: A title slide, a Title with one content section, a Title with two content areas, etc.

screenshot of slide layouts pane

Using these layouts will ensure that your PowerPoints have the correct reading order and titles for every slide and that there are no floating objects that might be difficult for a screen reader to access.

If you are unsure of how to make accessible PowerPoints, avoid adding floating textboxes or floating images (items not part of the standard layout). Additionally, avoid using the blank slide unless it is truly a blank slide.

1.6 Provide clean copies of printed/scanned materials. This includes handouts, course reserves, course packs, etc.

Bronze Level Avoid using content that is smuggled, has words cut off, or is difficult for you to read. If you have a hard time reading it, someone with low vision, or who is blind will not be able to read it at all.

1.7 Searchable PDFs only

Bronze Level Searchable PDFs are those in which the text is rendered as actual text and not images. A simple way of knowing if this is the case is by seeing if you can highlight the text. If you are unable to, Adobe Acrobat has an OCR function , that allows you to digitize that PDF into a searchable PDF. Additionally, you can use tools like Sensus Access to convert your document.

1.8 Color contrast meets standards in instructor-generated content

Silver Level For any content you create, it’s important that you run the Accessibility Checker in word.

One of the things it will identify are color contrast issues, in the text that you wrote. It will also suggest font color changes to help meet guidelines.

screenshot of Microsoft's Accessibility Checker, reviewing contrast issues

1.9 Alternative formats available

Gold Level
If you have a student who is blind in your class, or needs an alternative format for their course materials, you should speak with the students coordinator to better understand those needs.

In some cases, as with those students who are blind, Rutgers Access and Disability Resources will reach out to you ahead of time to collect your course content, and assist with making those items accessible. There are a few things that can greatly help ensure students have access to your content, at the same time as the class:

  • Have your syllabus complete before the start of the semester, and include any required readings, including textbook information.
  • Have your content ready at least 2 weeks prior to the class you intend on showing it.
  • Alt-text any images you have in any of the documents you use. You are the content expert, and knowing what those images represent is difficult for whoever may be remediating your document.

1.10 Use high-contrast text (e.g., black text on a white background) and use an 11-point or larger font size.

Gold Level
If you have a student with low vision, you may see that they are approved for enlarged font. The Letter of Accommodation will typically indicate the font size (i.e., 14pt font). For any course documents you create- whether that be PowerPoint, or Word handouts (like review sheets), you should consider:

  • Making sure to use high contrast foreground and background colors. These color combinations include White and Black (i.e black text on a white background, or white text on a black background), Black and Yellow, and Blye and Yellow.
  • Ensuring your font size is minimally the size indicated on the Letter of Accommodation. If none is listed, using 14pt font should be your standard. If the font size becomes too big for a PowerPoint, consider making a Word document with the equivalent information as the PPT that the student can follow along with.