Security tips and advice
You are your own best defense against identity theft, compromise, and malware. The following are some suggestions for basic IT security:
- Follow password rules. Never share your password. Choose different passwords for different sites.
- Install antivirus/antispyware software and have it updated automatically.
- Use only secure Wi-Fi when transmitting confidential data (credit card numbers, banking, etc.).
- Don’t be a phishing scam victim. Rutgers will never ask you for your password or other confidential information in an email.
- Protect your social networking with privacy settings.
OIT recommends keeping computers up to date with the latest antivirus software. Learn more about Rutgers antivirus software.
Two-step login
Two-step login (powered by Duo Security) helps protect your Rutgers account by adding an extra layer of security beyond your password. With two-step login (also known as NetID+ at Rutgers), you can confirm your identity when gaining access to many online resources at the university. Once you are enrolled and after you enter your NetID and password to login to a web application, you will then be prompted to confirm on a device (e.g. your mobile phone) that you are the person attempting to log in with your NetID and password. Sign up for two-step login.