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Search and solve: Get tech support with the Rutgers IT Help portal

With over 800 public knowledge base articles available and half a million total article views last year, the Rutgers IT Help Portal has become a vast source of tech support and information for faculty, staff, and students at the university since its launch.

Do you need to learn how to add two-step login with Duo to your phone or want to connect your Xbox in your dorm? Or what about learning where to print at the university? These are just a few of the most popular tech articles in the Rutgers IT knowledge base that have been viewed nearly 10,000 times recently. This self-service portal has been designed so the Rutgers community can quickly find answers to questions like these by viewing a selection of how-to and frequently asked question articles.

“The Rutgers IT knowledge base is a robust resource that holds the answers to hundreds of tech questions – all you have to do is search,” says Joe Sikorski, user support specialist in the Office of Information Technology. “And if there isn’t an article already published on your issue, we have Help Desk consultants that are always a click away.”

Users can find answers on their own by selecting from categories, using the search function, or viewing the most useful and viewed articles. The Rutgers community can also submit requests for technology services and report issues through the Rutgers IT Help portal. You will then be connected with the appropriate IT staff member who can assist.

Additional benefits of the portal include having access to 24/7 support, a historical record of past incidents or requests, and articles with information that is constantly kept up to date by the Help Desk. Users may also view any current IT alerts at the top of the portal.

Key tips when using the IT Help Portal
Get to know the portal: Exploring the site frequently will allow you to become more familiar with its contents and be better prepared for future tech issue run-ins.
Search using keywords: Utilizing specific keywords when searching the portal helps produce accurate results related to your issue.
Take advantage of surveys and feedback: Leaving feedback regarding articles or incidents can help to improve the functionality.

This story was originally published on March 19, 2024.

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