The Office of Information Technology has put in place processes for the development, review, and distribution of email announcements to the Rutgers community. These processes apply to major announcements; these processes do not apply to unit-level or department-level IT communications. The following is an overview of the process:
- The service owner or others reach out to the IT communications team to discuss the need for communications and whether an email announcement is appropriate. The Help Desk should also be notified at this time.
- A draft message is developed by a small group, typically consisting of members of the IT communications team and the service owner’s organization. In most cases, the service owner provides an initial draft or key points. If the announcement is linking to a website or webpages, these should also be completed and prepared for review by others.
- The message is shared for review by the CIO, the CIO Executive Leadership Team, and chancellors’ representatives for Camden, Newark, New Brunswick, and RBHS.
- Messages intended for broad distribution to Rutgers audiences (for instance, all faculty, students, and staff) will be shared with university leadership for review.
- When appropriate, the final message may be shared with the ITLC and/or the Rutgers IT community, letting them know when it will be distributed to the broader community.
- The message is distributed.
As noted, this is an overview of the process. Additional internal documents, for use by the IT communications team and others, outline this in further detail.