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Web accessibility training sessions

OITA is providing general web accessibility info sessions to Rutgers staff. At the end of these sessions, attendees should be able to do the following:

  • Understand policies set by Rutgers regarding Web Accessibility.
  • Use scanning tools to test for accessibility issues on their websites.
  • Know how to do manual testing on sites for accessibility issues.
  • Understand common issues and how to fix them.
  • Learn how to include accessibility during early site development efforts.

If scheduled sessions conflict with your or your teams’ schedule, info-sessions can be provided by a scheduled face-to-face meeting or webinar with the IT Accessibility Team. Please contact us at

Available sessions

  • Sessions will be provided face-to-face with digital options to attend.
  • Copies of slides will be provided post session to all RSVP’d and attending members.
  • Video of previous will be made available at later date.
  • Other face-to-face presentations can be scheduled with the accessibility team, regardless of location.

Content accessibility 101

Next Session: To be announced.

In this session, we will introduce members to the current rules and standards of Rutgers in regards to IT accessibility. The majority of time will be dedicated to common accessibility issues found on Rutgers based websites and digital documents in regards to content, and common solutions to them. Attendees are also welcome to present issues found within their own work for questions and review.

These sessions are important to Rutgers members who curate and maintain content for Rutgers public websites.

Testing Websites for Accessibility
Next Session: To be announced.

In this session, we will review tools available for free for Rutgers employees to scan websites for accessibility issues. We will also teach proper techniques on how to do manual checking to find issues that scanners cannot pick up. This training is a preliminary stepping stone to Web Accessibility 101 for Programmers.

These sessions are important for members of Rutgers who create, or maintain Rutgers public websites. This includes content creators and developers.

Web accessibility 101 for programmers

Attendance to ‘Testing Websites for Accessibility’ is advised before attending this session.

Next Session: To be announced.

In this session, we will introduce members to the current rules and standards of Rutgers in regards to IT accessibility. Majority of the session will be dedicated to common accessibility issues found on Rutgers based websites, and common solutions on how to fix them and avoid them in future projects. Attendees are also welcome to present issues found within their own websites for questions and review.

These sessions are important to members of web teams who create, oversee, and update overall frameworks and templates of Rutgers public-facing websites.