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Annual Review 2019-2020

Supercomputers solve super complex problems

New workshops and trainings

New workshops and trainings continue to be developed to complement the Office of Advanced Research Computing’s (OARC) diverse expertise and growing offerings to the university research community. Recent examples include GIS trainings, the weekly open workshop, and collaborations with the New Brunswick libraries.


Caliburn: A supercomputing resource for the Garden State

This supercomputing resource, which has modeled everything from blood flow to shock waves, is specifically intended to benefit academic institutions, industry, and state offices within New  Jersey.

compute nodes


TB of memory

TB flash storage

Building the internet of the future

OARC and WINLAB are joining the Renaissance Computing Institute of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and other partners on a $20-million NSF-funded project to create a platform for testing novel internet architectures that could enable a faster, more secure internet.

Amarel: Advanced computing to revolutionize science and scholarship

Designing a rapid test for COVID-19 or a medication that’s targeted to an individual patient’s genetic makeup? Amarel can help with that, and it keeps getting more powerful.

   681 nodes

   166 GPUs

   19,972 cores

Over 2,700 students, researchers, and faculty work and learn on Amarel.

Interactive data science environment consisting of Jupyter notebooks, RStudio, and Desktop

Spans three Rutgers data centers (Piscataway, Newark, and Camden), producing a unified compute, data, and storage system

CPU hour usage is increasing dramatically year over year. The surge in Amarel CPU hour usage is a testament to the power of the computing cluster and the trust that researchers have in OARC.

CPU hour usage in Millions from 2016 - 2019 (2016: 17.65 hrs; 2017: 34.91 hrs; 2018: 109.56 hrs; 2019: 177 hrs)

Research Stats

   600 trillion mathematical operations per second, peak performance

   349 Rutgers departments, institutes, and organizations performing research on systems maintained by OARC

   400+ faculty, staff, and students from 130 departments across Rutgers campuses have attended high performance computing training since inception in 2017

55 million new research awards for OARC-partnered projects since March 2016

   20+ Research-computing courses using Amarel