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September 14, 2023 Notification

Issues with Rutgers websites


September 14, 2023 2:48 pm

A number of Rutgers websites, including,, and websites created with Sites@Rutgers, were unavailable for a period this afternoon due to a global issue with the Pantheon web hosting platform.

Pantheon has instituted a fix, and most websites should now be operational or will soon be operational.

Please note that if you are unable to reach the Rutgers Canvas website, you can log in to Canvas at these websites:

NetID login URL:
Email Login URL:

Thank you for your patience, and if you continue to have issues, please reach out to the OIT Help Desk.

If you are experiencing any issues not listed here, please contact the OIT Help Desk at 848-445-HELP (4357) or send a message to

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