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Pick up practical Excel skills for your day-to-day

Excel is just one of the many tools you have access to via Microsoft Office, but not many know the resources it can provide. Learning the ins and outs of the application can improve the way you present information, budget finances, learn what data sets mean, and more. With LinkedIn Learning, available for free to members of the Rutgers community, having these skills as part of your repertoire is just a few courses away:

Excel Essential Training
Start with the basics and an overview of what Excel has to offer. With free Microsoft Office downloads available for Rutgers students, staff, and faculty and Rutgers Connect providing access to Office 365, this training is designed to help you get the best out of its applications. Learn about entering data, functions, formatting, charts, and more.

Excel Quick Tips
The basics are crucial but being able to fine tune those skills goes a long way toward having a productive experience with Excel. These tips and tricks can strengthen your Excel knowledge and have you ready to take on any task.

With the groundwork laid in your Excel knowledge, there are several different practical uses to make this information relevant to your life or career. Here are a few paths you could take:

Excel for Marketers
Whether your future is in marketing or not, the tools Excel provides in the field can be helpful in any area of the business realm. Discover new ways to present your data sets that provide insight into what those numbers really mean.

Excel: Creating Business Budgets
Budgeting skills go a long way toward managing the cash flow of your daily life. It could be the expenses of your small businesses and organizations or your personal finances, but these skills can provide a positive impact for you.

Excel for Business
Learn how to implement business analytics skills and concepts through Excel. The software can help you access and integrate data, as well as construct a data map, which could be used as predictive tools that equip businesses to make better decisions.

Excel for Sales Professionals
Learn more about how Excel can help you in the sales world. Being able to track, analyze and forecast for your business is important. With tools like PivotTables, commission calculations, charts, and more, Excel provides a new realm to the field.

Excel for Educators
The entire Office 365 platform has created teaching tools. With Excel, educators can make informative visualizations, turn the classroom into an engaging environment and track student progress, all by using the tools that the application provides.

This story has been updated (originally published: March 4, 2020).

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