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Which service should I choose?

 Critical or restricted data should never be stored on personal cloud storage accounts, as outlined in Rutgers’ Information Classification policy.
 Choose OneDrive if you require seamless integration with Microsoft software.
 Choose Google Drive if you require seamless integration with ScarletApps.
 Choose Box or OneDrive if you store protected health information (PHI).
 Wondering about storage and related technology needs for research computing? Visit the Office of Advanced Research Computing.

Cloud storage services


Box is an independent service for securely storing and sharing files, and it provides integration with many other apps and services.
Storage limit: 5 terabytes (in effect in 2024)

Microsoft OneDrive

OneDrive is Microsoft's cloud storage tool, and it is designed to work efficiently with Word, Excel, and other Microsoft programs.
Storage limit: 5 terabytes

Google Drive

Google Drive (part of ScarletApps) is designed to work with Gmail, Google Docs, and other Google services.
Storage limit: 30 gigabytes