Lys Andrejic, Application Developer, Messaging and Collaboration Services (MaCS)
Lys Andrejic, an application developer within the Office of Information Technology (OIT), has a longtime passion for technology—one she loves to share with others at Rutgers. “There’s this gratification in calming people’s fears when there is a tech problem they don’t understand,” says Lys, who is part of a team responsible for administering and supporting cloud services, such as Rutgers Connect.
Have you always had a passion for technology?
I’ve liked working with technology for as long as I can remember. At 16, I worked at an ice cream shop, and I was doing IT support for them. I was setting up their website and their Apple Pay system. I was the “tech person” at the shop.
Now you’re an application developer. What does that mean?
Application developer is a loose term. I’m part of the Messaging and Collaboration Services (MaCS) team, where it’s largely about cloud services, like Rutgers Connect—Rutgers’ name for Microsoft Office 365. My job is to administer and manage those services, implement license features, and tailor the service to the university’s needs.
We understand you got your start as a student at the OIT Help Desk. How did you move up?
I was an Information Technology and Informatics major in the School of Communication and Information. In 2018, I transitioned from a student worker to full-time staff member. I was only 20 years old. I got really lucky. I was young and stepping into this new professional environment for the first time was a little scary. My constant anchor was my supervisor, Vlad Gabrielescu. I consider him a mentor. He is an incredible manager. He taught me to value knowledge and patience above all.
What drives you in your work?
I think my passion stems from loving to help people. My father was a doctor, so we both had this urge to help people. I never wanted to go into the medical field because it just wasn’t for me, but it turned out I was meant to help people in a different way. When I got my first computer in third grade, I immediately taught myself how to HTML code. By the time I got my job at the Help Desk, it further fueled my passions. There’s this gratification in calming people’s fears when there is a tech problem they don’t understand. Technology can be overwhelming and intimidating, especially when you don’t know much about it and you’re handling sensitive information. I love that I get to help people in that way and help take their stress away.
What is your day-to-day like?
My biggest area of responsibility is Microsoft Office 365. I am an administrator for that. I provide support and promotion for the different Office 365 applications. I’m also deeply involved in security and monitoring Office 365 at Rutgers. For example, if a password is leaked or found on the dark web, I can act on that ASAP.
You specialize in Microsoft Office 365. How closely do you work with Microsoft?
If we have an issue that’s breaking the environment or something that is critical, we can get Microsoft on it in minutes.
What is the best career advice you’ve ever had?
My supervisor Vlad is a wealth of knowledge. He’s always told me, “If you’re having any insecurities or not feeling super up-to-speed with the rest of the group, part of the job is always learning. If you’re not learning, finding joy, gaining knowledge, or constantly expanding your mind, you’re doing yourself a disservice.” I tell myself that if you can find something that keeps your mind fresh and keeps you interested in the job, it will keep you excited about the work. And when you’re excited about the work, it never actually feels like work.