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New research tool: REDCap research survey platform available to Rutgers researchers

The following email announcement was sent to Rutgers faculty and IT staff on June 20, 2024.

Dear Members of the Rutgers Community:

The Office of Advanced Research Computing, a division of the Office of Information Technology (OIT), and the Office for Research have partnered to bring the REDCap research survey tool to the university—a major initiative to support the research, scholarship, and creative endeavors of Rutgers faculty.

REDCap, which stands for Research Electronic Data Capture, is an advanced research survey tool that will support the university’s growing research enterprise. The platform offers unique capabilities for researchers who need a secure environment for collecting and managing survey data. REDCap’s features and benefits include:

  • Creating and designing online surveys and databases from desktop and mobile devices.
  • Customizing and making changes to surveys at any time, even after data collection has begun.
  • Importing existing REDCap projects.
  • Automated export procedures for seamless data downloads to Excel or common statistical packages.
  • Helpful tools like built-in project calendars, scheduling modules, ad-hoc reporting methods, and more.

While REDCap is already being used at Rutgers separately by some schools and institutes, this universitywide implementation allows a broader range of researchers to access critical research capabilities. Rutgers researchers can access the platform and do not need to set up their own REDCap site or instance. More details about REDCap can be found at the university’s REDCap webpage.

REDCap is currently available to Rutgers researchers with limited technical support from OIT, but REDCap support will be expanded in the near future. If you require assistance or have specific questions about REDCap, please email

We are excited to offer this new tool as a universitywide resource to support the growing research enterprise.

Thank you,

Michele Norin
Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer

Michael Zwick
Senior Vice President for Research

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