Why can no one see me on Webex?

If no one is able to see you during your Webex session, there may be potential issues with your camera settings. Follow the troubleshooting steps below:

  1. Ensure your camera permissions are properly configured in settings, usually found in Settings > Privacy & Security Camera Turn on Camera access. 
  2. Make sure that you do not have other applications, such as Zoom or Skype, working in the background that may be accessing your camera.
  3. Make sure you have the proper Camera Input Source selected by navigating to Stop video's drop-down menu
  4. If using a desktop camera, make sure your camera lens is not blocked, such as a lens cover. If your camera is still off, click Start Video when you want to show your video.
  5. If using a mobile camera, tap Turn on my video when you want to show your video.
  6. If using a web browser, click Start Video when you want to show your video. 
  7. Leave & Rejoin the Webex meeting. 

For detailed instructions, visit the Webex Help Center page on how to Choose your audio and video settings before you join a meeting or webinar