How private is the information I keep on Rutgers Connect?

In general, information on accounts on Rutgers services, including Rutgers Connect, is accessible only by the specific account holder, until it is shared by that account holder with others. However, as Rutgers is a public university, all information on Rutgers services may be subject to legal requests, such as Open Public Records Act (OPRA) requests, court orders, or litigation.

Aside from such requests, the only people authorized to see such documents other than the account holder would be system administrators who have special privileges, usable under very limited circumstances, for this purpose.

At Rutgers, only a few highly trained individuals working for OIT have this type of privilege. They work under clearly stated rules on privacy, user responsibilities, system administrator responsibilities, and violations handling. We take this very seriously. The specific circumstances are covered in the Acceptable Use Policy found in the Rutgers policy library.

For more information, visit Microsoft's privacy support page

Account holders should keep in mind that Rutgers email services are for work purposes and as such are not truly private.