RAMS list archives and statistics

The Archives are available through the main RAMS page. You can also bookmark the direct link to the Archives Tool.

The Archives tool provides access to the archived postings to a list, as well as to statistical information about that list. The Archives tool can also be used to diagnose list problems.

All lists are archived. However, some may have Public Archives, which can be viewed by anyone with RAMS access, while others may have Admin Only Archives, which can be viewed only by a list's manager.


When you go to the Archives tool, you will be presented with a list of mailing lists to choose from. To get to the archives and statistics for a given mailing list, click on a list name to highlight it, then click on View Archive.

View Archive Page

The View Archive page consists of two sections. The top section is the statistics section, and the bottom section is the archive section.


RAMS tracks several statistics:

If a message is not successfully posted to all members of a list, no statistical information will be generated for that message. A "successful" posting is one that has been sent out to all members; it does not mean that each of the addresses is actually valid or reachable. For example, if an email address no longer exists or cannot accept mail for some reason, this will not affect the RAMS statistics.


The archive lists all the messages posted in the list, from newest to oldest, beginning with the first message posted after archiving was turned on. For every message, it lists:

In addition, depending on how a list is configured, certain lists may also have:

A message will only appear in the archives if the post passed through moderation and spam filtering. If it is still being held for moderation or if spam filters prevented it from being delivered, it will not be added to the archives.

Note: The archives list all messages that have been processed by RAMS for the list, but they do not guarantee that those messages reached all members of the list. For example, if your mailbox is full, RAMS will add the message to the archive even though it could not deliver the message.

If no messages have yet been posted to a list, or if you are viewing an Admin Only Archive and are not a manager for the list, you'll get a "List NAME has no archived messages" message instead of the archives.